Tuesday, November 30, 2010

FREE metric tools for business

Marketing strategies should be measurable. I cannot stress this enough. It’s simple: why would you waste anymore time + money into a strategy that is not going to give you a return on your investment. It is also important to test the waters out before you proceed with the strategy with a full budget. For example, with facebook ads, if you set the ad to target women over 55 and initially invest $50.00 towards it and run it for a week or so (just to test it out) and you realise that 80% of the people clicking on your ad are women in their 70’s (yes older folks are on Facebook) then this will give you the opportunity to tweak the ad accordingly and re-evaluate the campaign. So here are some great FREE tools for business to track and measure your campaign:
  • Links shortener: j.mp and bit.ly or google url builder - Use this url shortener for your social media and email campaign. Track how many people actually clicked on the links you shared on facebook, twitter or email campaigns.

  • Google Analytics - Tracks how visitors interacts with your website. Where did they come from? How long did they stay on your site? What did they do on your site and did they complete the website’s conversion goal?

  • Social Mention - Searches user generated content through social networks. It allows you to easily track and measure what people are saying about you, your company, a new product, or any topic across the web's social media landscape in real-time.

  • Mail Chimp - Free email marketing platform. It is free up to 1000 subscribers, anything more than that you’d have to pay. Mail chimp takes care of your sign ups, unsubscribe and bounce backs plus you can track your campaign.

  • Facebook Insights - like google analytics but for your facebook page. Tracks who is visiting your page and a great way to analyse your content. For example, what did you post that proceeded a spike in traffic?


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